Friday, July 16, 2004

I've had an idea for about 3 years that I think I will finally record somewhere.  I think it is unique.  I haven't been able to find anything like it.  I plan to write some software to support it.  I have the idea that psychic techniques can be applied to the realm of the internet.  Take for instance, the speed at which information flows over the internet.  I find myself wishing things would go faster.  Sometimes I even feel myself willing it to be faster.  I know I try to influence electronic systems when I'm sitting at a long traffic light and begin to chant "green, green, green, ...".  I believe a program can be devised to test and exercise this.  A simple example of this would be average ping time.  Imagine a program that lets you ping a site, giving feedback.  You could then attempt to lower the ping time and easily check the results.  This would be the equivalent of telekenesis.  Remote viewing is another technique that has a network parallel.  Imagine a program that would pick a random Internet site or IP address and ask you to predict certain things about it.  You might start by just picking categories, colors, etc. and see how close you get.  I'm approaching this with an open mind.  I've read science fiction where people begin to share a common cyberspace without using computers.  I've always wondered what the evolutionary steps were to get there.  I picture it something like the Internet evolving toward Jung's cosmic consciousness.


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