Well, I haven't posted in a while. I've been very busy getting ready for my daughter to be born. Here's a short description of what I did last weekend.
I just about wore myself out. My wife and I went to Nashville Thursday night after work. I took her to her LPN certification exam Friday. While I was walking during the exam time, I found myself on the Nashville Marathon path. It was neat walking where I had run so many miles. It only took her a couple of hours to take the test. It was a computer adaptive test and it decided to only give her 85 or so questions out of a maximum it could have asked of 250. It had determined within a given statistical probability that it knew what she would make. It may take up to 4 weeks for us to find out if she passed. Friday afternoon I spent several hours mowing and raking the yard, cleaning out a flower bed, and cleaning the back deck. Friday night I put the closet hardware in the nursery. We've got shelves and rods above and below, and some shelves on the side. Saturday from bright and early in the morning until well after sunset, I was working on replacing our stairs with hardwood. They turned out pretty nice I must say. I was so tired by the end of the day. I had to individually measure and tailor each piece of wood to make it fit. Sunday we had church and the baby shower at church. I showed up for the end of it. We got another big load of gifts. I think my wife said we needed 85 thank you notes. Then Sunday afternoon/evening I put together a playpen, a high chair, a bouncy seat, a playmat, an all-terrain stroller, a baby monitor, and some other stuff that blurred together. I also unpacked and helped my wife sort and place all the gifts. Then I finished the night off watching the start of a Farscape mini-series on the SciFi channel.