Sunday, October 16, 2005

I recently gave away another truck load of books to the public library here ( I was a little sad to see them go, but I feel better now because our house got less junky and now I can buy more books. My wife and I have gotten rid of several truck loads of books and donations to the Attic Outlet over the past year and it really makes me feel better. It is so easy to accumulate a bunch of junk that just ties you down and gets in the way. I say, if you aren't using it, get rid of it. I also have found I would rather find somebody that wants something and just give it to them rather than trying to sell stuff on Ebay, or somewhere else. I would highly reccommend streamlining like this to anybody. It is very liberating.

I haven't posted about the Screen Savers and G4 TV recently. I actually watch Attack of the Show (AOTS) now. I guess I've started to enjoy it. I have my TiVo set up to tape it and the new Call for Help show.

I recently started rebuilding my church web site ( and my personal web site ( Before this I used FrontPage to maintain the church web site and notepad to maintain my personal web site. Now I am using NVU to maintain the church web site and pagebuilder to maintain my personal web site. I have a lot of work to do on both sites and little time. Hopefully the new tools will help.