Thursday, January 27, 2005

I'm reading through the New Testament this year and so can you. I get sent a short 5 minute reading each day in my email. To join the list, go to and sign up. There's no adveritising or anything, just the Word of God. Because the reading is nice and short it makes a nice section for study and re-reading as well.

Monday, January 24, 2005

JavaHMO is impressive. I installed it this weekend. It is a PC server that a Tivo can access. A Tivo can view pictures and play MP3's from a PC server. JavaHMO takes advantage of this to allow you to view movie listings, see local weather forecasts, play games (well, just one for now, tic-tac-toe, but it's a start), listen to shoutcast streams (be careful, some of these are really awful stuff), display arbitrary web page listings, read your email, and more. I was really impressed. If I get some spare time, I would love to write some plugins for it.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

We went to a drive-in movie Friday night. We saw Electra at the Montana Drive-In in Estill Springs, Tennessee. The movie was okay, but the Drive-In experience was great. They have 3 screens, but only 2 are currently active. There is a large building in the center of the three screens that houses the projection booths and the concession area. The food was good. I had a hamburger and fries, my wife had Pizza, and my daughter had a bottle. It was a little distracting to burp her (my daughter) in the middle of the movie, but it was a great family experience and nobody else was bothered by all the crying, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

There's snow outsite, but its nice and warm here. My daughter and wife are taking a nap downstairs. I'm having fun downloading recordings from my Tivo to my laptop using the new TivoToGo feature. I've already downloaded a show on guitar making and I have queued up the new Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek: Enterprise, and Stargate SG-1. Its nice that I can watch the shows anywhere in the house, because my girls are sleeping right in front of the Tivo.

On another note, I've recently been playing with several Linux Live-CDs. You can download an ISO linux image, burn it to CD, and then boot the CD on any x86 architecture comupter (at least a 486, but do I really have to say that). I've tried Damn Small Linux, SLAX, SLAX Professional, and Puppy Linux. They all seem to have their advantages and disadvantages. Of course, if I ever get the time, I'm going to have to try my hand at creating one that exactly matches my own interests.

Damn Small Linux is nice becasue, well .. it's really small. It's less than 50 MB and can fit on a business card sized CD.

SLAX Professional is nice because it comes with the Gnu compilers, so I can play with software development.

Puppy Linux is nice because it can be used to install to things like USB drives and compact flash.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

I guess I'll have to take "The Screen Savers" off my TiVo season pass list. Sadly, G4-TechTV has degraded into a television network geared toward 12 year old boys with no technical curiosity. Old geeks like me have been left behind. I still think fondly about the old "Call for Help" show and the original "The Screen Savers". Now, "The Screen Savers" seems to be run by a bunch of kids. One of them seems to have a good deal of technical savvy, but they never cover any technical issues in depth. I think G4-TechTV is just trying to peddle video games now. I wish my cable company had a nice alternative. Long live TechTV. You will not be forgotten.

Happy New Year! I return to work tomorrow. Christmas at home has been fun. My daughter is now 1 month old. Watching her "come online" is a wonderful thing. It is so amazing to see the God's wonderful creation revealing itself each day in her.