Sean Lane Fuller's Blog
Just my thoughts on different topics such as running, philosophy, religion, movies, music, and programming.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Movie Review for the Bourne Supremacy
I saw the Bourne Supremacy Friday afternoon. My main impression was that it had way too much shaky-cam. The camera work was awful. It was like watching the Blair Witch Project, only worse (I actually enjoyed the Blair Witch Project) . It was like most of it was filmed using a hand-held video camera with the motion control circuitry turned off. I had to look away from the screen several times because it was making me feel sick. Several shaky-cam techniques were aptly demonstrated by the camera man. There was the no-motion-control stair descent. There was the over-the-shoulder follow the guys focal point shot. There was the first-person look through their eyes shot (only the person must have had eye ticks, and tremors). There was the fight scene where you couldn't tell who was hitting who. There was a very long car chase where you couldn't tell who was shooting at who. There was the time when the camera operator evidently had an epileptic episode (I can joke because I'm an epileptic). Anyway, I think you get the point. I talked to several people who agree with me. We think maybe the film will work on the small screen when the shaking doesn't fill your entire field of view. In summary, wait to see it on HBO.
Friday, July 23, 2004
I had a thought while walking today. Maybe we should re-evaluate why we are doing all this. By this I mean the socio-political and technological pile that we have created. I think the goal of civilization is to support more people per mile and have more spare time. Do we really need all this stuff?
Here's a recording of me during a walkabout today. I had hoped to do 20 miles, but it turned out to only be about 13. I did stop at the new church building site and work for a couple of hours in the middle. We cut Petromat and covered the ground in a couple of islands in the parking lot and then spread some river gravel over it. A friend and I ate breakfast at the Tullahoma Downtown Cafe and then I took off again. I stopped at Hastings on the way back and bought a copy of the 9/11 Commission's report.
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
A friend of mine has a nice blog going at Michael Hopkins' Blog. Right now he has up some nice summaries from the book Purpose Driven Life.
I just wanted to try out BlogThis! and see if I could refer to another entry in my blog, so here's a link to Sean Fuller's Blog: 04/01/2004 - 04/30/2004.
I've recently been wondering if Lipitor is causing me some muscular degeneration. There are sites all over the Internet like this one, Lipitor: Side Effects And Natural Remedy - Health Supreme. I haven't stopped taking it. I'm just suspicious after the recent news campaign to get people at risk to lower their HDL levels to below 70. ... and the study was paid for by the big pharmaceutical companies.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Monday, July 19, 2004
I just had to try to BlogThis! feature of the Google toolbar. This is just a reference to my web pages on geocities. I haven't been updating them much since I started blogging, but they might be worth a look. Here's the link to Sean Fuller's Pages.
I just tried Audio Blogger for the first time. It is pretty neat. You can call a phone number and have the audio appear on your blog. That way, you can post from anywhere with your cell phone. It also opens up blogging to people that can't type. I may use it from time to time just because I'm lazy and to try to keep up regular updates to my blog.
Friday, July 16, 2004
Why aren't simple things easy to do in MFC? Everybody I have talked to about this agrees. Take, for instance, changing the background color of a button, displaying a bitmap in the background of a dialog box, writing simple text to a printer, or appending text to a CEdit control. The one that always gets on my nerves is the color and image thing in windows. I mean why can't I just mark a button as an Icon button and then select the icon I want to apply to it graphically. Instead, you must mark it as an icon button and then go into the init function of the dialog box and load the icon and apply it to the button. Here's another example, today I wrote code to write the contents of a CEdit out to a printer. I had to worry about exactly how the text was laid out and what the capabilities of the printer are. I really miss the old days of line printers when you just opened the printer file and wrote text to it and closed it when you were done. Sure I can write prettier reports now, but it takes a whole lot longer and there is the possibility of so many more bugs. I believe the user would be happier if I could produce less buggy software, more quickly, which means more affordable.
I've had an idea for about 3 years that I think I will finally record somewhere. I think it is unique. I haven't been able to find anything like it. I plan to write some software to support it. I have the idea that psychic techniques can be applied to the realm of the internet. Take for instance, the speed at which information flows over the internet. I find myself wishing things would go faster. Sometimes I even feel myself willing it to be faster. I know I try to influence electronic systems when I'm sitting at a long traffic light and begin to chant "green, green, green, ...". I believe a program can be devised to test and exercise this. A simple example of this would be average ping time. Imagine a program that lets you ping a site, giving feedback. You could then attempt to lower the ping time and easily check the results. This would be the equivalent of telekenesis. Remote viewing is another technique that has a network parallel. Imagine a program that would pick a random Internet site or IP address and ask you to predict certain things about it. You might start by just picking categories, colors, etc. and see how close you get. I'm approaching this with an open mind. I've read science fiction where people begin to share a common cyberspace without using computers. I've always wondered what the evolutionary steps were to get there. I picture it something like the Internet evolving toward Jung's cosmic consciousness.
My wife is now 19 weeks pregnant and doing great. I look forward to having a little girl some time around December 5th. My wife is feeling the baby move now. We received our first major baby gift this week. It was a car seat. I never knew they were so complicated. I think I'll need the time between now and December to learn how to use it properly. Do babies come with owner's manuals?
Sunday, July 11, 2004
I worked this weekend at our new church building. It's on Cedar Lane in Tullahoma, Tennessee. Believe it or not, the name is the church of Christ on Cedar Lane. Okay, and get this, the web address is Can you believe that? It kind of sounds like a joke, doesn't it? I mean the address name is so long. I tried to come up with some reasonably short names, but then it looses something. For example, Anyway, I suggested about 10 decent short names, but we decided to go with the full name spelled out like that. I wonder what the record is for the longest name in a web address. I remember memorizing the longest word in the dictionary a long time ago. I don't think I can spell it correctly. It was something like pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovalcanoconiosis. It is an infection of the lungs caused by the inhalation of silicon dust from a volcanic erruption. I'm really looking forward to moving into the new building. We plan on having our first service there on August 12th, I think. I've been on the New Facility Team for about 4 years now, so it's been a long time. There are pictures of the building on the new web site.
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Some friends and I have started playing Neverwinter Nights online. We have played a lot of paper and dice RPGs over the years. It is definitely a different experience. It will take us several more sessions to get everything worked out. First there are the technical hurdles involved in getting everybody's game installed correctly, the versions all up-to-date, everybody's network connections working. Then everybody has to learn how to play the game, control their characters, play a character that will contribute to a party (somebody's has to start with a puny wizard that is easily clobbered). The part we are working on now is working together as a team. Simple things like staying together and communicating are tough, but we'll get there. Somebody told me I should check out a roger wilco server. I think it will let us communicate via voice during the game.